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{info} This page is devoted containsto *frequently asked questions* (FAQ) related to [import|kb:Import]. {info} \\ {on-this-page} h1. Importing Joint Coordinates h2. How do I import joint coordinates which are in CVS or TXT Formatformat? *Expanded Question:* I would like to import, into SAP2000, a .csv or .txt points file intowhich SAPcontains comma-delimited onejoint ofcoordinates. theOne pointspoint represents the member start point of a member, node, then the next represents the end pointnode. The Whatfile iswas thegenerated bestusing wayanother tosoftware, doand this?now I cannotwould findlike anto importuse commandSAP2000 thatto allowsanalyze the importing of a plain comma delimited text filestructure. TheWhat file is generatedthe from another program and I would like to analyze structure with way to do this? *Answer:* The best approach to import the joints coordinates would be to use [Interactive Database Editing|kb:Interactive database editing] in combination with an Excel spreadsheet. The steps involved are outlinedas belowfollows: * Create a new model. * GoUse tothe "Edit > Interactive Database Editing" menu andto checkselect "Expose All Input Tables", located on the right side. of the form. * NowSelect selectModel table "Joint Coordinates" located in "MODEL DEFINITION Definition > Connectivity Data > Joint Coordinates > Table: Joint Coordinates" to open the joint coordinates table. * ClickSelect OK, thisto willopen openthe "Interactive Database Editing - Joint Coordinates" form. Click " menu, then select To Excel", buttonlocated on the right side of. the form. * Cut and paste the content of the CVS or TXT file into Excel, andthen placeorganize the data into their corresponding columns. * Return back to the "Interactive Database Editing - Joint Coordinates" formmenu and clickselect the "From Excel" buttonoption. This will transfer the data from the Excel spreadsheet to Excel into [SAP2000|sap2000:home]. * Update the SAP2000 form.model *by Clickselecting "Apply to Model" and> "Done". buttons to update the SAP2000 model h2. h1. Can I open my file in a lowerprevious version of the programsoftware? While the input files are not backwards compatible due*Answer:* Software changes made to the changesfunction that may be introduced to the of database tables prevent ininput higherfiles versionsfrom of the programbeing backwards-compatible. However, youusers may be able to use the following manipulation to import youra model to a previous lowersoftware version ofthrough the following programprocess: * Export yourthe file asin [S2K text file|kb:File format and settings files] format. * ModifyIn the version ofProgram Control table, modify the file, sayversion from(ex. 12.0.2 to 12.0.0, in). the Program Control table. * Open the lower version of the programsoftware and import the text file previously created. in theUnless previousa step.database change Thiswas approachmade shouldbetween generallysoftware workversions ifwhich thedirectly twoaffects versionsthe arestorage "closeof enough" to each otherfile data, unlessthis thereprocedure wasshould abe changeeffective ofso databaselong schemaas thatthe directlysoftware affectsversions theare datarelatively storedclose in the filesequence. InUsers any case, it is always good idea to should check the import log for anyerror or warning and error messages., I would also recommend to and carefully review the model once data is imported, to ensure successful transfer to the previous lowersoftware version. h1h2. How can I validateensure that an IFC file to make sure that it is valid prior to importingimport it to CSI programs? You cansoftware? To validate an IFC file, users may first try to first open the IFC file inusing one of the IFC viewers listed aton the [|{new-tab-link:]}{new-tab-link} website. We had a good experience with{new-tab-link:}CSI{new-tab-link} recommends using the free [CAD-DDS viewer|{new-tab-link:]}CAD-DDS{new-tab-link} viewer. h1 h2. How can I ensure that validatea CIS/2 file to make sure that it is valid prior to importingimport it to CSI programssoftware? Users Youmay canupload usea onlineCIS/2 versionfile ofto SteelVisthe toolonline madeversion availableof bythe NIST at [{new-tab-link:]}SteelVis{new-tab-link} tool to upload your CIS/2 file and have the SteelVis generategenerate a VRML file in one of the following formats: * A Texttext file, -where the [VRML|{new-tab-link:]VRML}VRML{new-tab-link} text file can be downloaded to a local computer and viewed by such VRML viewers such as [FreeWRL|{new-tab-link:]}FreeWRL{new-tab-link}; or * A 3D interactive VRML model, (thiswhich requires installation thatof the VRML plugin is installed for yourto the browser). h1h2. See Also * [Backups and troubleshooting corrupted models|kb:Backups and troubleshooting corrupted models] * [SAP2000 Import|sap2000:SAP2000 Import FAQ] |
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