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h1. Material Temperature The material temperature only affects temperature Material temperature is assigned to structural elements to characterize their temperature-dependent material properties, but. The material-temperature parameter does not theaffect temperature loadsload. h1. Temperature Load Temperature Asload ofis SAP2000 V11.0.5incrementally applied, allmeaning temperaturethat loadsit areis incremental,applied sorelative theto conversion usedchange in SAP2000temperature, is C:F = 5:9, without the 32 factor. This means that all temperature loads can be viewed as _change_ of temperature type of load. (The [Reference temperature] was removed from the program starting V11.0.0) h1. See Also * [Reference temperature] - feature no longer usedand not the value itself. To convert from Celsius (C) to Fahrenheit (F), the 32-degree difference between scales is no longer relevant. The conversion ratio is simply given as C:F = 5:9. {related-incident:no=25257|comment=Modeling of beam subjected to fire loading.} |
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