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h1. QuestionHow are initial Iffree-vibration Iconditions wantapplied to the modelbeginning freeof vibration, this is, saying that the structure should start vibrating with some known initial  conditions (a time-history analysis?

*Extended Question:* I am interested in subjecting a SAP2000 model to an initial displacement and initial velocity at t=0) is there any simple way to introduce these conditions in SAP and start the time history from those conditions?

Related Incidents:
* 21646

h1. Answer
the start of a time-history analysis. Is this possible and how would it be done?

*Answer:* The initial conditions forof a time-history [load case can be|kb:Load case] may either be zero initialor conditionscontinue orfrom theythe canend continue fromof a previous [nonlinear|kb:Nonlinear] stateanalysis. Initial Itfree-vibration isconditions notwould possiblehave to directlybe specifyinduced initialin conditionsthe forprevious freecase vibrationbefore analysis,that butstate youcarries couldover useinto end conditions for other nonlinear load case as initial condition for the free vibration analysis.the [time-history|kb:Time-history analysis] analysis.

*Related Incident:*
* 21646