Info |
Please note that the Bridge Modeler supplements SAP2000 releases through Version 14, and has since extended into CSiBridge. Most material in this space applies to both of these products, therefore the term Bridge Modeler will refer to both SAP2000 and CSiBridge application. |
Image ModifiedThe Bridge Modeler enables parametric definition of girder-type bridge systems. Users initiate high-level parametric modeling by defining span length, layout lines, cross section, and other geometric and structural specifications. The Bridge Modeler then assembles frame, shell, and solid objects, and connects them with link elements, to automatically create bridge objects. The Bridge Modeler expedites design by automatically generating, meshing, and analyzing complex bridge models. Templates are also available for several superstructure and substructure design checks.
Aviram, A., Mackie, K., Stojadinovic, B. (2008). Guidelines for Nonlinear Analysis of Bridge Structures in California. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center.
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