Applying parametric variation to bridge width for bridge object with skewed abutments (flat slab bridge deck section)
On this page:
Overview - desired geometry
The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to generate bridge geometry shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Desired geometry
Modeling procedure
The procedure is described in the attached "analysis notes.pdf" file that can be previewed below:
Geometry generated by CSiBridge
The final geometry generated by CSiBridge is shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Geometry generated by CSiBridge
model B V17.2.0 circular ... zipped CSiBridge V17.2.0 model file
analysis notes.pdf ... report describing the procedure
geometry.dxf ... DXF file with the desired geometry
See also
Name: Applying parametric variation to bridge width for bridge object with skewed abutments
Description: Demonstration of how to apply parametric variation to bridge object with skewed abutments
Program: CSiBridge
Program Version: 17.2.0
Model ID: 581